

不過,亚博vip娱乐在漢森國際公司(Hansen International),我們與各種OEM製造商建立了密切的關係,使我們可以批量購買其組件,並以折扣價將其轉售給我們的客戶。如果您正在設計車輛或其他設備,並且需要在其一部分組裝中使用OEM組件,那麼Hansen International將能夠在您需要的價格上為您提供盡可能多的OEM組件亚博vip娱乐打。

By choosing Hansen International as your supplier of OEM components, you’ll be able to rest assured that you will always have the OEM components that you need to keep your company operational while at the same time being confident that you are getting the best price on the market. If you would like to learn more about the OEM components that we are able to offer, we invite you to contact us today.
